Tripping the light fantastic is a collaboration between Cordancia Chamber Orchestra and BIODANCE, with two premieres on March 6, 2022 at 4:30pm at Eastman Theatre’s Kodak Hall! Join us for this FREE concert featuring 40 live musicians and 11 live dancers as we premiere two new dances choreographed by BIODANCE artistic director Missy Pfohl Smith. The first is to Eastman School of Music faculty composer David Liptak’s premiere of Pierrot in America, a 22-minute orchestral work that follows a mythical character, Pierrot, on his migration adventure from Europe to America in the early 20th century. Featuring performers Heather Acomb, Rose Pasquarello Beauchamp, Yaa Adenike Cunningham, Andrew Evans, Sarah Johnson, Nanako Horikawa Mandrino, Alaina Olivieri, Wynton Rice, Solange Rodrigues, Jean Michael Rubingu, Donetta Tchoroleev, this work navigates this score with delight and surprise. The second premiere is a dance for five to Ingelbrecht’s La Metamorphose D’Eve – a wonderfully energetic and ethereal work evoking nature and it’s dualities. Heather Acomb, Solange Rodrigues, Jean Michael Rubingu, Missy Pfohl Smith, and Donetta Tchoroleev perform this new dance.
Sunday, March 6, 2022, 4:30pm
Eastman Theatre – Kodak Hall, 26 Gibbs St. Rochester, NY 14604
Tickets are free and available at the door to this magnificent theatre, which originally contained 3,352 seats. It was built by George Eastman as a center for music, dance, and silent film with orchestral and organ accompaniment. An architectural gem, its opulent décor reflects the taste and elegance of the 1920s. Vaccination is required, and there is plenty of room to spread out and enjoy!
For more information on this concert and on Cordancia, visit https://www.cordancia.org.