On Friday, Oct. 16, there will be a FREE dance performance at Rush Rhees Library, Q&I Area, First Floor (inside the front/main entrance off the quad) at 12:00noon of BIO/DANCE & Social Justice. This performance will feature work by BIODANCE, students from DAN378 Choreographic Voice: Dance & Social Justice, and special guest artists. Work will include (drowning) by Lev Earle, Lined Up for Injustice by Donna Davenport, In the Palm of Our Hands by Kelly Johnson, Rickshaw-See-Saw by Allen C. Topolski, and more. Join us!
This performance is made possible with support from Kinections and with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by Livingston Arts, a member supported organization.
Please consider supporting this project and helping us match our grant by making a tax-deductible contribution online at this website through our Contributions page!